Monday, December 13, 2010

Bullies in school

Bullying in schools
In the past, whenever I see someone getting bullied or teased at, the first thing that hits me is that he or she might have done something wrong. Because I never had problems like that in my primary/secondary school days and I studied at one of the top worst secondary schools. I might not have been one of the good girls in school with straight As but neither am I a hooligan.  However I get my way through school days effortlessly, reasons? First, I avoid. Second, I know how to apologise. Third I never let myself cross their paths.
Now linking the situation back to the topic, I am thinking since we cannot stop bullying, why not preventing it from happening? Yes, of course there might still be some immature kids in school that will bully you no matter how hard you try to hide, but how about learning first, how to avoid those who won’t bully when you don’t annoy them? First, know what kind of bully you are dealing with; bullies that taunt are easier to deal with than bullies who abuse physically and without hesitation. Next, try to avoid them in school. Don't go anywhere near them, but don't show that you are dodging them. They will usually read hiding away as fear, and they will bully you more as a result. Last point to note, you cannot talk sense to an irrational person, just walk away.
Now, youngsters tease for a number of different reasons. It may be to get attention, bullying is a good way of getting negative attention, and, unluckily, for many bullies, negative attention is better than no attention. It could also be peer recognition, for cases like this the need to feel that they belong is strong, it is not unusual to see teenager teasing just because they see it as being a "cool" thing to do and it may help them feel part of a group. Lastly, it may also be the influence of media, youngster are commonly exposed to put-downs, mockery, and a lack of respect in many of the television programs and therefore their actions.
Many may not know what bullying and cause, be it long term or short term. The experience of being bullied can end up causing permanent destruction to victims. It is not necessary to be physically harmed in order to suffer lasting harm. Words and gestures are quite enough. The main wound that bullying victims suffer is damage to their self-concepts; to their personalities. Bullying is an attempt to instil fear and self-loathing. Being the repetitive target of bullying damages the ability to view oneself as a necessary, capable and effective individual. More likely that one will become increasingly vulnerable and depressed or angry or bitter. In short term one may have dangerous suicidal thoughts and feelings or depression.
Youngsters need to learn about the danger and outcomes of bullying. Parents also need to help their children deal with the rebellious state in their life. With all the love and help from their family or any one close, I believe bullying will stop someday.

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