Monday, January 3, 2011

Effects of pop music on Teenagers

The effects of pop music do not restrict itself solely to the young. Adults who listen to music can get influenced. Why then emphasis on teenagers? This is because they are the most influential age group that can easily be swayed. It is at this age where we are still discovering ourselves as we search for our true identity.
The lyrics to a song are written by real people who are inspired to write based on their life’s journey. As the world gets more complicated for teenagers they begin to feel entrapped in its perplexity. Relating to the lyrics of the music helps teens feel understood and accepted. The lyrics help tap into their emotions which may be reality or just an illusion. Some song, hits the nail on what we are feeling while others gives us the false pretence on our feelings towards the situation which may be detrimental. Instead of identifying the individual’s emotions they may steer a whole new set of emotions which may further complicate the situations. Adults in general are able to decipher between entertainment and cold hard facts.
If we carefully analyse the lyrics that many of the young are exposed to, some even demean the value of women. For instance, the popular pop song Like a G6 contains lyrics like, “When sober girls around me, they be actin like they drunk. In fact, the music the teenagers listen to is often totally without quality and leads many of them into "robotism", apathy, violence and drugs.
I have briefly delineated the negativity that pop music has had on teens. Now, I would be elaborating on the positive side pop music has had to the young and to me personally.Pop music speaks to people in ways we cannot express. Stevie Wonder sang, "Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand...." Music is like a language, on its own.

The rhythm, beat, tune and lyrics entwined together provide speaks to us deep within our souls. The effect music has on teenagers is intangible but extraordinary. Its capabilities can only be managed through proper management of emotions. Music springs from the deepest emotions within the soul, and with or without lyrics; music conveys a message, deepest feelings and emotions. It is a world beyond our world. It is a reality, at the same time, a fantasy.

When I am angry I used to listen to heavy metal, when I am sad I would listen to slow jazz, and happy hip hop. After realising how music has an effect to my emotions, instead of allowing the music to heighten unnecessary emotions, I take control of them. Now when I am frustrated I listen to slow music to calm my nerves thus allowing me to compose myself.
In conclusion, Music can affect a teenager either ways adversely or for the better. However I have deduced that teenagers need to be taught the effects of music on teenagers and the appropriate way to deal with it through music. This does not mean that heavy metal and other fast paced music should be avoided but once the technique of effectively controlling our emotions are mastered then these music would not pose any harm.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post, It really helped me with my essay.
