Animal Abuse:
The above is a picture of an animal after it was skinned alive.
After watching the video of animals being skinned alive at a fur farm in China, I was absolutely disturbed and disgusted by the inhumane acts of the workers.
In the video, animals were slammed against the ground, sometimes repeatedly, to weaken their power of self-defense. The workers would proceed to skin the animal even though it was still alive. They even stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggled too hard to allow a clean cut. The workers have no conscience or they would not carry out such brutal acts on another living thing. After the workers had ripped off the fur from the animals, the bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile on top of other animals skinned before them. Some of these animals are still alive, their hearts still beating five to ten minutes after they are skinned, and their breaths are ragged gasps as they lay waiting for death to take away their pain and suffering.
Such acts of cruelty should not be condoned, yet there are no penalties for abusing animals on fur farms in China. The farmers can house and slaughter animals in any way they want. These animals are not given any form of care and kept in outdoor wire cages and left in the rain, sun and cold, freezing nights with no shelter over their heads. Compared to our pets that are showered with love and treated like a part of our family, foxes, minks, rabbits and other animals from these farms are practically living in hell.
Fur products are sold worldwide and globalization has made it impossible to trace the exact source of the fur. If it is true that ‘China supplies more than half of the finished fur garments imported for sale in the Unites States’, it is also likely that some of those fur came from one of the many unregulated fur farms in China. Imagine the number of animals skinned just to supply the number of fur products sold worldwide. The only way to prevent such abuse from continuing is to stop purchasing fur products. Just imagine if the one being skinned is your beloved pet.
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