Friday, November 19, 2010

Animal Abuse

Animal Abuse:

The above is a picture of an animal after it was skinned alive.
After watching the video of animals being skinned alive at a fur farm in China, I was absolutely disturbed and disgusted by the inhumane acts of the workers.

In the video, animals were slammed against the ground, sometimes repeatedly, to weaken their power of self-defense. The workers would proceed to skin the animal even though it was still alive. They even stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggled too hard to allow a clean cut. The workers have no conscience or they would not carry out such brutal acts on another living thing. After the workers had ripped off the fur from the animals, the bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile on top of other animals skinned before them. Some of these animals are still alive, their hearts still beating five to ten minutes after they are skinned, and their breaths are ragged gasps as they lay waiting for death to take away their pain and suffering.

Such acts of cruelty should not be condoned, yet there are no penalties for abusing animals on fur farms in China. The farmers can house and slaughter animals in any way they want. These animals are not given any form of care and kept in outdoor wire cages and left in the rain, sun and cold, freezing nights with no shelter over their heads. Compared to our pets that are showered with love and treated like a part of our family, foxes, minks, rabbits and other animals from these farms are practically living in hell.

Fur products are sold worldwide and globalization has made it impossible to trace the exact source of the fur. If it is true that ‘China supplies more than half of the finished fur garments imported for sale in the Unites States’, it is also likely that some of those fur came from one of the many unregulated fur farms in China. Imagine the number of animals skinned just to supply the number of fur products sold worldwide. The only way to prevent such abuse from continuing is to stop purchasing fur products. Just imagine if the one being skinned is your beloved pet.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Animal Abuse

Article: Cruel youngster abuse dog, killed it and post on Facebook.
This animal cruelty case tells about how a young Chinese guy used a plastic bottle to suffocate the poor dog and post the whole process through video on Facebook. Throughout the entire ordeal, the dog was restrained to a pole by its feet.

After reading this articles and other animal abuse cases I wonder, why is there such an increase of animal cruelty cases? Are human beings losing their mortality and compassion for the weaker and more vulnerable living things that are sharing this world? The youth in the video appeared to be thoroughly enjoying what he was doing, showing his grinning face intermittently in the film. It turns my heart cold to read something like this. Basically because it is proof that there are people who can treat a life, even if it is simply a dog's, so casually. Animal violence indicates a deep character flaw in the culprit and ought to be taken very seriously because studies show that such indifference for life will definitely cost the culprit much more in life.

However, from what I read of the animal abuse cases in Singapore, the most we did is to fine the offenders and give them a mere 2 weeks Jail sentence. Don’t society realise punishment of forking out money and spending 2 weeks in jail is not effective and will never be? Just look at the standard answers AVA gives; do they ever pause to think that the effort put in to stopping animal abuse is not sufficient? I think it is completely inadequate and only goes to show how lightly animal abusers escape from their crimes. Besides stricter sentences, animal abusers should go through counselling and empathy training and maybe even do communal service with the SPCA.

From what I see, We Singapore doesn't take adequate caution to animals or animal rights, just because it's not of economic worth. I would really appreciate it if they could amend that carelessness towards animals abuse cases.